Video Sunday: Random Encounters

Video games are awesome. And so are musicals. If you put them together, then you are probably going to pull me in and never let me go. Random Encounters did just that since I discovered them nearly 3 years ago. Choosing just a single video I like from them is nearly impossible. Choosing only 6 was just as excruciating too! They have a lot of musicals, featuring Sonic, Pikachu, Pikmin, Pac Man, Angry Birds, Tetris blocks, Minesweeper (YES! MINESWEEPER!) Ganondorf, Captain Falcon, Meta Knight, that dude from Dead Space, that chick from Portal  and more, so I suggest you check their youtube channel if you like what you see from the following videos!


The Best we can be, featuring Angi Viper

The Makigarp song

The Eevee song: Featuring Dodger

Arkham Origins Rock Opera

Hyrule Warrior’s Heart

One Winged Office

4 years and a half ago, I wanted to start a weekly post called Video Sunday, in which I’d post a video about something that really caught my attention. I only did it once though, so would be the second since 2010. Hopefully the third one will be before 2020!


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